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 Volume 10, Issue 5 (May 2023), Pages: 155-165


 Review Paper

A systematic review of adolescents sports gambling


 Christopher Kape 1, *, Nicolas Hamelin 2, Christopher Abraham 3


 1SP Jain School of Global Management, Vancouver, Canada
 2SP Jain School of Global Management, Sydney, Australia
 3SP Jain School of Global Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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 * Corresponding Author. 

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The objective of this study is to explore the topic of sports gambling among adolescents, as this activity has become increasingly prevalent among this demographic. A scoping review was conducted using the PRISMA approach, which involved the selection of 42 relevant studies from the Scopus database spanning the period from 2007 to 2021. The review findings revealed that there is limited research specifically focused on understanding the motivations and intentions behind adolescent sports gambling. However, the majority of the studies indicated that young males exhibit a greater inclination towards engaging in gambling activities. This suggests a growing interest in and awareness of this issue, providing numerous opportunities for future research to investigate the motivations and intentions of Generation Z adults in relation to sports gambling. Given the significant growth of gambling, it is important to note the lack of literature examining the satisfaction of needs and frustration of needs among adolescents with regard to sports gambling. Initiatives that address this gap in research would be valuable in expanding our understanding of the motivations and intentions underlying teenage sports gambling, ultimately leading to the implementation of effective measures aimed at reducing gambling-related problems among adolescents.

 © 2023 The Authors. Published by IASE.

 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

 Keywords: Gambling, Betting, Youth, Sports

 Article History: Received 12 November 2022, Received in revised form 18 March 2023, Accepted 23 March 2023


No Acknowledgment.

 Compliance with ethical standards

 Conflict of interest: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


 Kape C, Hamelin N, and Abraham C (2023). A systematic review of adolescents sports gambling. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 10(5): 155-165

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 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4


 Table 1 


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