International journal of


EISSN: 2313-3724, Print ISSN:2313-626X

Frequency: 12

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 Volume 5, Issue 9 (September 2018), Pages: 82-87


 Original Research Paper

 Title: Solution of ordinary differential equations and Volterra integral equation of first and second kind with bulge and logarithmic functions using Laplace transform

 Author(s): Naila Bilqees 1, Adnan Aslam 2, Zulfiqar Ahmed 3, *, Zahida Perveen 1


 1Department of Mathematics, Lahore Garrison University, DHA, Phase VI, Lahore, Pakistan
 2Department of Basic Sciences, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
 3Department of Computer Science, GIFT University, Gujranwala, Pakistan

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A large class of complications of mathematical physics, applied mathematics and engineering are formulated in the form of differential equations, beside with few additional conditions. This paper comprises of an ordinary differential equation (O.D.E) and Volterra Integral equation (V.I.E) with bulge and logarithmic functions. We will use Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform and convolution theorem where it will be needed to find the precise solution of O.D.Es and V.I.Es. Also, we will compare it with the numerical solution using Euler’s method and Simpson’s quadrature rule and lastly we will represent it with the help of graph. 

 © 2018 The Authors. Published by IASE.

 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

 Keywords: Ordinary differential equations, Volterra integral equations, Laplace transform, Taylor series expansion

 Article History: Received 21 December 2017, Received in revised form 16 July 2018, Accepted 28 July 2018

 Digital Object Identifier:


 Bilqees N, Aslam A, Ahmed Z et al. (2018). Solution of ordinary differential equations and Volterra integral equation of first and second kind with bulge and logarithmic functions using Laplace transform. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(9): 82-87

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