International journal of


EISSN: 2313-3724, Print ISSN:2313-626X

Frequency: 12

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 Volume 5, Issue 12 (December 2018), Pages: 119-125


 Original Research Paper

 Title: Approximating structured singular values for discrete Fourier transformation matrices

 Author(s): Mutti-Ur Rehman 1, *, Arshad Mehmood 2


 1Department of Mathematics, Sukkur IBA University, 65200 Sukkur, Pakistan
 2Department of Mathematics, University of Lahore, Gujrat campus, 50700 Gujrat, Pakistan

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In this article, we present the numerical computations of singular values and lower bounds of structured singular values, known as μ-values, for a family of Discrete Fourier Transform matrices. The μ-value is a well-known mathematical tool in linear control theory which speaks about the stability and instability analysis of feedback systems. The comparison of lower bounds of μ-values with the well-known MATLAB routine mussv is investigated. 

 © 2018 The Authors. Published by IASE.

 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

 Keywords: Singular values, Structured singular values, Spectral radius, Low rank ODE’s, Gradient system of ODE’s

 Article History: Received 12 July 2018, Received in revised form 11 October 2018, Accepted 17 October 2018

 Digital Object Identifier:


 Rehman M and Mehmood A (2018). Approximating structured singular values for discrete Fourier transformation matrices. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 119-125

 Permanent Link:


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